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Troubleshoot HP Scanner Connection Error With Windows

Most of the users of HP scanner reported a complaint of connection error when they try to scan from the HP scanner. Most of the time “Scanner Cannot Found” error message appears or sometimes its displays “Scan Fails”. The problem occurs due to several reasons; some of them are like scanner driver is not compatible with the operating system, there are more scanners working with the operating system, scanner was not properly connected with internet and many more. To overcome such situation there is HP Scanner Technical Support Phone Number available all the time for the users to provide support against the issues.

Apart from this you can also troubleshoot such issues at your own. But make sure that you are ware with the problem and its reason. Other than this you should be have proper knowledge of technical stuff, otherwise it is possible that the issue can take a critical situation. Some of the troubleshooting steps that can be followed to fix the issue are described below:

  • The first and foremost thing that you need to do is check if the problem is also with printing. If it is so then check the cables are connected to the printer Ethernet port and to on available port on router.

  • Restart devices and check the driver scan setting if they are properly managed.

  • Also check the network and printer internet connection status; you need to make sure that the printer is connected properly with internet.

-For wireless scanner you need to open wireless network or setting menu to make sure the wireless signal is turned on.

-For Wired connection Scanner makes sure the cable is connected properly to the Ethernet connection.

  • Other than this you can run the Print and Scan Doctor tool to diagnose and resolving the printing problem.

  • Uninstall the printer software and reinstall it after clearing the damaged and unwanted software.

  • Also try to temporarily disable firewall software on the computer, mostly in this type of case it helps to sought out the issue instantly.

If the above described resolutions do not help you to recover the scanner problem then you simply dial a (1-877-213-5868) to have instant support by the expertise who works with remote access service to troubleshoot the problem. HP service also provides support via online live chats, invoice emails and HP Scanner Customer Service Phone Number as well. The service works continuously and the customer service providers are always ready to help their customers with real time solutions.

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