How To Fix HP Scanner Technical Error 5 HP LaserJet M2727 MFP?
HP Scanner technical error 5 is very uncommon issue on HP LaserJet M2727 MFP, which reported rarely by the users. Because of many failure features and parts of the scanner it is not easy to deal with. Though the HP printers are engaged with high-tech technologies, but still it exhibits some problem due to technical fault. For such sort of issues you can simply call on HP Scanner Technical Support Phone Number to have instant support and comprehensive guidance by the expertise of the customer service.
There are several other reasons due to which scanner error code 5 appears, such as if the scanner is not properly seated or excessive use and others. But usually the error code generates when the scanner drive motor fails. But fortunately there are simple solutions to resolve the problem that is, you need to replace the scanner assembly, which is not difficult task.
To replace the scanner assembly or to install, you need to use a small flat blade screwdriver to release two tabs at the rear of the product and then release one tab at the bottom of the cover. After this you simply rotate the back cover of the printer from the product and then slide it to forward to remove it. Apart from this you can also reset the printer as resetting is the simplest solution that resolves lots of technical troubles with printer.
In case you face the problem again, then you better contact at HP Scanner Customer Service Phone Number to get reliable guidelines to fix the problem. Other alternative that works on the behalf of HP printer support is toll-free (1-877-213-5868) number where professionals are ready to assist you on call with real time resolutions.
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